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Identification of stage-specific proteases in S.ratti

Excretory-secretory proteins from S. ratti infective L3, free-living stages, and parasitic adult females were collected and separated by 1-D gel electrophoresis; gel slices were analyzed by LC-MS. A total of 586 proteins were identified (450 from iL3, 217 from free-living stages, and 335 from parasitic females) and annotated.

Selected Figures from paper:

Figure 1: One-dimensional SDS-PAGE of E/S proteins from infective larvae, parasitic females and free-living stages showing after Coomassie stain characteristic protein band patterns of the respective stages.

Figure 2: Venn diagram showing the distribution of the identified S. ratti E/S proteins of the studied developmental stages: iL3, pF and flS.


Life cycle stage-resolved proteomic analysis of the excretome/secretome from Strongyloides ratti--identification of stage-specific proteases
Soblik H, Younis AE, Mitreva M, Renard BY, Kirchner M, Geisinger F, Steen H, Brattig NW. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2011 Dec;10(12):M111.010157. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M111.010157.

Supplemental Data:

ES products from iL3
ES products from free living stages
ES products from parasitic females
ES products from all stages v4.0(AWS)    Copyright Statement
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